Keynotes Music Studio will post all studio events such as holiday closings, rehearsals, concerts, and extra classes on our bulletin board and on our website
It is the responsibility of students and their parents to be aware of these notices.
Parent Responsibility:
Students are not to be left at the school for an excessive period of time before or after the assigned classes. Keynotes Music Studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Parents of students left at the studio more than 15 minutes past pickup time will be subject to a $20 fee unless we are notified in advance. It is the responsibility of the parent or an adult student to notify us when problems arise that will affect the student’s ability to continue lessons, whether financial, instructional or personal. Every effort will be made to respond to the needs of students and their parents. Any changes in schedules must be arranged through Freddie or Evette Singer only, not with the instructor.
Student Responsibility:
Students must come to class on time and prepared with their music and/or lyrics as required by the Teacher.
Missed Lessons and Makeups:
Keynotes Music Studio does not guarantee makeup lessons for any missed or unused lessons. Students and their parents are responsible for attending their scheduled classes. Makeup lessons will only be given at the sole discretion of Keynotes Music Studio when given 24 hours notice. There will be no more than two makeup lessons allowed per season. No refunds are given for missed lessons. No makeup lessons will be given after April 15th. Under no circumstances will a makeup lesson be carried over to the next season.
PLEASE NOTE: School activities such as trips or special programs, vacations, sports games and practices, birthday celebrations, etc., do not qualify for a makeup lesson.
Inclement Weather or Unexpected Cancellation of Lessons:
If there is bad weather, please access our website or call us at 718-810-4043 to find out if we are open. If the school must cancel classes due to extreme inclement weather or events beyond our control (power outages, etc.), the missed lessons will be added before the end of the teaching season. No refunds will be given for these reasons.
Keynotes Music Studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is absent and the school cannot arrange a substitute, those missed lessons can be made up or credited to your account.
Keynotes Music Studio reserves the right to cancel a Group class due to insufficient enrollment.
Keynotes Music Studio, its faculty or employees, will not be held responsible for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal lesson activity, or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after lesson time.
Seasonal tuition is based on lessons given during the period from Sept. 13th, 2022 through June 9th, 2023. Tuition Plans include single payment or nine installments.
All registration deposits and installment payments may be paid online using a credit or debit card, or in the studio by cash, check, credit or debit card.
First installment is due by your first lesson. There are no refunds once payment is made.
All payments are due no later than the 15th of each month.
Payments made after a 10 day grace period will incur a $10 late fee.
All returned checks (non-sufficient funds) transactions will be charged a $20.00 fee.
Private lesson fees (not on the seasonal payment plan) are $37.50 per 30 minutes, $50.00 per 45 minutes, and $65.00 per 1 hour. Payable in blocks of 4 lessons at a time.
As stated in our policy there are no refunds for missed lessons.
Should you decide to discontinue lessons, we need to be notified two weeks in advance.
Keynotes Music Studio reserves the right to terminate lessons to any student for any reason, including lack of interest, progress, frequent absences, frequent tardiness, behavioral problems, delinquency of fees or failure to abide by the policies. This includes parents' inappropriate behavior and lack of adherence to Keynotes Music Studio policies.